Inventário Florestal Nacional - Paraná

In the state of Paraná, the main phytophysiognomies are divided into Mixed Ombrophylous Forest (FOM), Dense Ombrophylous Forest (FOD) and Semideciduous Seasonal Forest (FES). The fields, the grassy-woody steppes, also occur in places of altitude. This designation was due to the existence of two distinct floras present in the state: the Afro-Brazilian tropical and the temperate Austro-Brazilian, each with characteristic elements, being the mixture between the two floras own of the Brazilian Southern Plateau, where latitudes averages to the south of the Tropic of Capricorn and the relief model of the region, with planal altitudes, create a unique condition that does not exist in other regions The FOM is also known as the Araucaria Forest, because it is defined exclusively by the natural presence of the Araucaria angustifolia and is circumscribed to a region of subtropical pluvial climate, at altitudes ranging from 50 to 1,800 meters, being more frequent in the range of 500 to 1200 meters. It is defined by its sensitivity to the climatic conditions, being adapted to the regions of lower temperatures with occurrence of frosts and, therefore, occurs preferentially in zones of higher altitude, where other types of vegetation can not develop, due to the occurrence of frost. FES, in turn, is present in regions with warmer climates and lower altitudes, below 500 meters, with low risk of frosts and heavy rains in the summer, but with the presence of droughts, especially in winter. It occurs in the north, northwest and northeast of Paraná and in part of the Ribeira Valley and in regions where the main river channels are found, among which: Paranapanema, Paraná, Tibagi, Piqueri and Ivaí Valleys. The FOD, in turn, occurs in the coastal region of the state of Paraná and southern Brazil, in a region with high relative humidity, high temperature, abundant rainfall and well distributed throughout the year, being a highly exuberant phytophysiognomy composed of expressive number of species, vegetation with developed size and rapid growth. The region of its occurrence is the one with the highest levels of rainfall in the state and, in some regions, volumes can reach up to 3,800 mm accumulated in a year. The phytophysiognomies existing in Paraná can still be subdivided into formations. The FOM can be divided into four. The first, related to the substrate, in the alluvial environments near the rivers, the Alluvial Mixed Ombrophilous Forest and the others, due to different altitudes: the Submontana Mixed Ombrophilous Forest, with altitudes varying from 50 to 500 meters, FOM Montana, with altitudes of 500 to 1,000 meters and Alto-Montana, with altitudes above 1,000 meters. Also mentioned are the contacts with the Dense Ombrophilous Forest and the Seasonal Forests. The FOM Submontana is rare, since the largest area of ​​the FOM is located above 400 meters of altitude. The FOD is also divided into SubMontana, Montana and Alto-Montana and the FES is divided into Alluvial (alluvial plains along the rivers) and Sub-Montana. Tropical forests, a portion of the Atlantic Forest, originally comprised almost half (46%) of Paraná, [53] being part of broadleaved and coniferous formations, and parts of lower altitude or lower latitude (including the entire northern portion of the state territory). There is another mixed, abundant in the more extensive portion of the crystalline plateau and, in smaller portions, at the eastern end of the basaltic and a small piece of the Paleozoic. Nowadays, it is the most economically exploited forest, with the last remnants found in the coastal plain, on the slopes of the Serra do Mar and in the valleys of the Iguaçu, Piquiri and Ivaí rivers. The paraná pine (Araucaria angustifolia) is one of the main species found, besides other broad-leaved species, among which imbuia, cedar and yerba mate.

Capital: Curitiba

Área: 199.307,945km²

População: 11.348.937